Perennial Ryegrass Makes Lawns Green for Winter

Surround your home with a rich green blanket this winter. Plant perennial ryegrass through mid-November and enjoy a green lawn all winter long. Planting rates will vary with the lawn grass grown and the overall effect desired. The minimum rate to sow for 1,000 square feet of lawn area is 3-5 pounds. At this very low rate, a green color will be noticed from a distance but will not tolerate traffic. Higher rates, from 8-15 pounds, will produce a lush winter lawn able to maintain moderate levels of traffic.

Perennial ryegrass lawns must be cut to maintain their handsome appearance. The more expensive perennial ryegrass though requires fewer mowings than the cheaper annual ryegrass. This is the price you pay for a great looking lawn all through winter's gray skies and dreary cold fronts. Maintain grass vigor by applying 2-3 pounds of 33-0-0 fertilizer per 1,000 square feet every six weeks.
12/21/2011 1:49:24 AM
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